Harry Tuinier.nl

Tip of the Month


Tip of the Month – Februar 2023

Is the milk permission still good?

The automatic milking permission also needs to be adjusted from time to time, for example if the production per cow or the number of cows per robot has increased.

Is the milking permission still good and do all normal cows have a check mark?
You can check whether they are all checked by selecting all cows in the status screen via Contrl + A and then choosing VMS Animal data and checking the 2nd  tab Milk permission to see if they are all checked. Special cows may have a special (different) attitude.

You can check whether the Automatic Milk Permission is correct by sorting on expected milk yield in the Status screen and then checking which cows currently have and which do not have milk permission? Does this fit your plan?
And don’t too many cows have milk permission so that the cows that don’t come smoothly also have to wait for cows that only just get milk permission again with smaller milk yields and get  demotivated by these cows and so bring down the capacity of the robots and your cows?

It is normal when no more than 25% of the cows have permission to milk.

Tip of the Month – January 2023

Cow behavior in the barn.

A little reflection in the new year. We all know this, but checking whether it really works is sometimes good. Grab 4 moments of the day for this check.

If 14 hours a day lying down is optimal for a cow, then at least half and preferably 60% of the cows should lie down. And also important: 60% have to ruminate.

So 60% of the cows have to lie down, 10% walk near or around the VMS and 30% are at the feed fence or walk with a goal.
Pay particular attention to whether cows hang around, stand in the layingboxes for a long time and, for example, seem reluctant to lie down or go to a certain part of the barn or avoid to go along a narrow path or walking past a dominant cow .

How much influence do the feeding moments or “cow control” moments, walking between the cows, have on this distribution? Does it remain quiet in the stable !
And of course box comfort, sprinkle (sawdust) moments, walkways, ….
Then you have already measured a large number of Cow Signals!

Date Time of day Laying in the boxes Standing (half) in boxes Walking round
(not near VMS)
Eating Ruminating

Tip of the Month – December 2022

Clean separation cans.

It is sometimes an annoyance when you don’t need a few separation cans for a while that they still get dirty and often smell.

Get in the habit of cleaning the jugs that are not being used and simply place them upside down between or next to them. Also rotate these jugs so that they do not become or remain “chronically” dirty.

DeLaval does the same with the teat cups and pre-treatment cup. After each milking upside down and rinse. Even after cleaning, they hang upside down so that dirt or milk residues as little as possible can mean something.

Tip of the Month – November 2022

Sufficient pressure on water hose.

In almost every robot room there is a water sprayer and there is a place where a brush, cloth, roll of soft paper, cleaning agent such as antikal and other frequently used cleaning material.
If it’s close by and works well, it’s more likely to be used.

Very often there is only little pressure on the water hose or is too short, so when you rinse it you only clean it half, or half far.
“It doesn’t matter, I’ll go over it every now and then with the pressure washer”…

Nevertheless, it works very pleasantly if there is sufficient pressure, because at the intervals, cleaning quickly, you keep track of it much better. And when you rinse the VMS cups and frame (daily?) with a car wash brush, it is nice if enough water comes out!

Perhaps the high-pressure sprayer is needed just a little less often, which is good for the printed circuit boards and other vulnerable parts…

Tip of the Month – October 2022

MDi in Animal info column.

For example, when you open the Status screen, Cow Monitor or a cow card, there is a column on the left with the animal data. It contains the most important information about the clicked cow. It’s interesting to adjust it sometimes.

When you right-click in this column, “Customize Animal info” will appear.
By clicking on this you can see which data is checked and therefore shown now.

The unchecked animal data also includes, for example, “Last MDI”. When you right-click on it, “Show Report items” will appear. Then it will be checked and will be shown after “Refresh” in the Animal Info list.

It also says “Avg. MdI Last 3 days”. You can also right-click these and add them to list item.
These are interesting numbers to make it easier to see increases or decreases in MDi.

With the blue arrow above the list item you can also move the additions to the desired height.

If you like to use the Animal name of your cows, it is nice to add it here as well.
Or “Number of inseminations” or…..

It may also be useful and clearer if you “Hide Report Item(s)” that you do not use or view in the list item.