Harry Tuinier.nl

Tip of the Month


Tip of the Month – April 2017

Settings around cleaning after separation milk.

When milk can’t go into the milk tank, you have four options: the milk goes into one of the three cans or directly into the drainage.

It is possible to select different types of cleaning for different situations.
DeLaval thinks it is safest to select the main cleaning after a milking containing antibiotics.

There are two possibilities when it comes to separation milk: Separation 1 and 2.The milk programmed as Separation 1 is directed to Can 1 and Separation 2 to Can 2.

There are also two possibilities for colostrum: Colostrum 1 and  Colostrum 2 go to Can 3 but you can select a different cleaning program.

It can be useful to select Separation 1 or Colostrum 1 for light cases, with no penicillin but you also don’t want the milk in the tank. (Colostrum from first calving cows, a cow that has been dry for full period, calf drinking milk, etc.)

So, “1” with a simple cleaning. And separation “2” and colostrum “2” for heavier cases (after antibiotic treatment, been dry for a too short period of time) which need a heaver cleaning.

In principle the “1”s can endure a milder cleaning than a main cleaning. The “2” would need a main cleaning.

Drainage milk will always be of bad quality or infectious for other cows and should always be programmed with the main cleaning.

“1” for easy and “2” for hard is easy to remember and also easy to explain to employees and substitutes within your dairy.

In practice, many dairy farmers select a lighter cleaning after a penicillin case because the main cleaning takes them up too much time.

I hope you understand that DeLaval perceives this to be very risky!
Using your touchscreen, you can milk cows with deviating milk consecutively. After this, VMS cleans with the biggest cleaning programmed, or you can turn on the main cleaning. This is safest and also costs the least amount of time.

Tip of the Month – March 2017

Feeding cows  from 100 days before setting them dry

De biggest feeding mistakes are made in the transition period or at the end of lactation.

Truthfully, the last 100 days before drying of, to ensure the cow obtains the correct feed, it is more important to correlate her ration to stamina and activity levels than to how much she is producing. A farmer has a better view of this than a computer..
Also the first experiences with the new Body Condition Score (BCS) camera show that it pays off to adjust certain measures and so correcting the feed amount in this period.

Gather information from cows who are ca. 100 days before setting dry, or 130-230 days after the last insemination (if you did not do or register pregnancy tests), about the cow’s stamina, production, feed ration and VMS visits.
Does she need more condition (energy feed) or has she already too much? More protein or less? More…..?, or less…..?

It can be useful to make yourself a list that shows the production, feed ration and within how many days she’s to be set dry  in one list.

I get my copy from the list “Feeds Consumption” (Right mouse click) and paste it to “My Lists”. Then, with “Show/Hide Designer” you can choose in the category “Cow Calendar” the column “Days until Dry” and you can add “Number of Milkings” from the category “Milking”, by dragging it (Left mouse hold and drag) to your list.

The newest versions of DelPro even makes it possible to color these cows, e.g. less than 100 days before drying off, so that they stand out!

If these cows are visible, you’ll increase their longevity!

Tip of the Month – February 2017

Manure plate

The manure plate in the VMS is a crucial component of the system. Not only does it make sure that the VMS’s floor stays clean because it drains urine and manure which keeps the box cleaner, but is also an important indicator to track a cow’s movements to ensure the system attaches the teats more easily.

Note that the cow should stand against the manure plate to ensure it moves with it. Also make sure that the cow does not have too much or too little space. This way, you know for sure that the manure plate gives the VMS arm accurate information.

De manure plate rests on the dirtiest and most vulnerable spot of the VMS. It moves close to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There’s a chance that the plate does not work properly by following the movements of the cow which in return yields inaccurate information.

You can spot this when the cow pee’s. You’ll notice that the manure plate does not fall (quick enough) forward. Often, the spring is worn out or stretched out. There’s also the possibility that the rod is bent, or too dirty, or plate too dirty.

There are also farms that have a bin around the manure plate, which is very clean and tidy, but you do not see if manure plate moves correctly. It is very important then to check regularly!