Tip of the Month – July 2022

Increase feed supply in stable on time.

Despite the beautiful growing season, the quality of grass is slowly deteriorating. Where you could count on 13 – 15 kg of DM with more than 1000 VEM this spring, this is now a full kg less with often more than (> 100) less VEM. And certainly when cows also have to be outside during the day with warm weather, the intake is often much lower. The desired grass intake of 1 kg ds per hour is therefore no longer achieved. Maybe some hours in the evening.
That means now, July, there is just another 2 – 3  kg ds of high-energy feed extra needed in the stable!

And do not feed this before about 11 o’clock. This ensures that cows find it too hot to graze on time go to the stable, shade, robot, and still eat and visit sufficiently.