Tip of the Month – August
Automatic Milk permission
The maximum capacity of a milking robot ranges about between 150-180 milking’s per day.
(V300 a few more…)
It is crucial to allocate these milking’s to your cows appropriately. DeLaval has created a system to automate this allocation. It’s called Automatic milk permission. With this system, your cows will be sorted into 3 different groups. 1) the fresh cows, 2) cows in a further stage of lactation and 3) cows that will be put dry in a few weeks.
It is your decision when period (group) 2 starts and stops, but often we experience that too many milking’s are allocated to cows in group 2. That is positive for the average milking’s per cow per day, but cows that have lactated for more than 100 days cut in line in front of the young, new cows that have to learn to go to the robot, or go for the cows that have fresh calved and /or have other trouble.
This demotivates these animals which results in negative outcomes. Additionally, some cows from group 2 get milking permission again even though their utter may only be half full. This results in inefficient milking’s (=time).
Thus, it is important for group 2 that the permission hours are set very high with 9-10 hours and in that period permission is given to the cows when they have enough expected yield.
See Tipp of the Month January 2013